Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New England Cemetery

 "In Memory of two children, son and dau., of Mr. John and Mrs. Naomi Harishorn(???)"
On left, "David, died April 16, 1771 in the 1st year of his life."
On right, " Naomi, died June 27, 1771 in the 1st year of her life."

Here's a rare three-person tombstone:
From left to right:
"Betty, died June y 12th, 1778. Aged 1 day."
"Anna, died Nov y 9th, 1789. Aged 2 days."
"Polley, died Oct y 3rd, 1790. Aged 2 days."

The curlicues on this next one are beautiful:
 "Memento Mori
Erected in memory of Mrs. Elisabeth Wilkens, wife of Lieu. Robert Wilkens, who departed this life July y 7th, 1784, in the 33rd year of her age."

 "One eye on death, one full for ???? Become a mortal and immortal ???"

"Friends and Physicians could not save,
My mortal body from the grave,
Nor can the grave confine me here,
When Christ shall call me to appear."